Posted in #MyMightyMonth, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome / Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Creativity, Gastroparesis, Invisible Illnesses, My Life

30 Day Journaling Challenge – Day 1

January 2 – The Mighty’s My Mighty Month 30 Day Journaling Challenge  is intended to promote self-care. Each day I’m provided with a personal prompt and a creative prompt.  Some days I may not feel like doing either, some days I may do one and not the other, and some days I may do both.  Sometimes I may write about something unrelated to the prompts.  It all depends on what is going on in my life and how I feel.

Personal prompt:  What are some things you want to improve in the new year?

ensureThere are two major things I hope to improve in 2017, my mobility and my motility.  Right now, my complex regional pain syndrome is keeping me from being able to walk and my gastroparesis is keeping me from being able to eat.  My main source of nutrition right now is Ensure Clear.  I’m currently waiting for insurance approval for a lead wire revision on my gastric stimulator.  After that procedure, they will turn the stimulator back on and try to program it to where it makes my stomach empty better.  Once my stomach is emptying netter I will be able to tolerate more food and have more energy.  Then I will be able to return to doing physical therapy and hopefully gain back enough strength in my legs to walk with crutches or a walker.

Creative prompt:  Come up with the pitch for a television show. (What’s it about?  Who stars in it?  Where does it take place?)

If I were to make a movie, I would want it to bring awareness to the challenges people with chronic and invisible diseases face on a daily basis.  In order for the movie to be more realistic and believable, I would want the stars to be people who actually have the diseases and their family and friends.  I imagine a reality show where the camera person follows people with chronic illnesses as they go about their daily lives.  Obviously the show would take place wherever the person lived and traveled.

Living with a chronic or invisible disease changes not only the way a person feels, but also how they go about doing things.  I would want the show to be open and honest so that those watching the show realize the effect these diseases have on us physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Filming would have to take place moths ahead of schedule to make the show more interesting.  I wouldn’t expect anyone to watch thirty to forty-five minutes of days that we don’t feel like getting out of bed.

This gives me an idea.  Over the next few months, I may start making short videos and posting them to YouTube.  If I do, you my reader’s will be the first to know, so stay tuned!

3 thoughts on “30 Day Journaling Challenge – Day 1

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. GP is no fun. There are many days that I don’t feel like writing. I sometimes go weeks without posting on my blog, so I understand you not feeling like commenting. I feel this blog is a way I can express myself and raise awareness. I believe we are stronger as a group than as individuals. Together we can raise awareness and hopefully help find a cure for GP.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome. I usually leave a better comment, but I figured that comment was better than none. A lot of people just read and move on. It’s nice to hear from other’s going through some of the same or similar things. Although it’s bittersweet that anyone else must go through it, too, it makes it easier to not have to walk this journey alone. I’ve gone months without posting because I’ve been sick, but gotta do what we gotta do. I’m forcing myself to get these GP posts out here because I feel it’s my duty as a patient with this terrible disease, especially since it is GP Awareness Month. If we don’t spread awareness, no one else will……………………so, it’s up to us to get the word out there and educate people. And, just as you said, “we’re stronger as a group, than we are standing alone.”
        Hope you had a “good” day. I’m really struggling with this disease……………every day. We just need a cure, it’s that simple!! Take care. Peace out. XX 🙂
        It’s only 4 a.m. I best try to sleep……ha ha…………………………………..I look forward to chatting more, later. 🙂


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