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Busy Living Life the Chronic Illness Way

The past few months have been busy and I haven’t made time for blogging. As a matter of fact I have not added any posts to my blog since October 11. My most recent posts didn’t even mention my health. So, I’m going to attempt to bring my blog up to date with my life.

July 28 through August 1, I volunteered a second time at the Center for Courageous Kids’ Pediatric Pain Camp. The children attending this summer camp session all live with chronic pain conditions. Several children who attended camp are fighting the same battle I am fighting against Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and gastroparesis. Although the five day camp session leaves me exhausted, it is something I can do to help not only myself, but others as well. CRPS and gastroparesis limit my ability to work, travel, etc. The Center for Courageous Kids runs on a schedule that accommodates the needs of chronically ill children. Things like an afternoon nap and everything being wheelchair accessible makes it possible for me to volunteer.

Although I have ended up sick and in bed for weeks both times I have volunteered, it’s worth it. Thanks to camp, I now have friends who truly understand what I’m going through. Through social media, we are able to stay in touch and support each other.

During July and August I decided to try to raise some money in my community to help support CCK and their efforts to make camp available to chronically ill children. As an incentive, I agreed to dye my hair green if a certain amount of money was donated. My goal wasn’t met, but I didn’t want to let the children from camp down, so I went ahead and dyed it.


A few weeks back I had my hair cut.  My hair is a little longer than chin length and that temporary green dye from August is still there.

October and November have brought moments of fear and times of Thanksgiving, but that’s another story and I will save it for another day.